Sunday, September 13, 2009

Adam Stories

One evening last weekend I (Brian) was home alone with Adam. We went to get pizza at Little Caesar's. They gave Adam an orange balloon to his delight. Later in the evening we were in his room with Adam on his bed holding his balloon while I was digging through drawers looking for pajamas.

As he was standing there, he muttered something like "will it fly?". I answered " huh?". He answers "If I jump, will it fly?" I still don't know what he's driving at.

Suddenly while holding his balloon he jumps off his bed and lands on the floor. Dissapointed that the balloon didn't carry him into the air he simply said - "Oh darn" in a slightly quiet voice.

This morning Adam came up to me with legos and asked,
"Dad, what do you want me to build for you? I'll build you anything you want."
Me: "A tower"
Adam: "No, I'm not building you a tower. I'll build you anything you want..."
Me: "How about a tower then?"
Adam: "No"
Me: "OK, how about a house?"
Adam: "I can't build a house."
Me: "OK, what can you build?"
Adam: "Um... I can build a boat"
Me: "OK, build me a boat"
Adam: "Do you want a vizzy boat?"
Me: "What's a vizzy boat?"
Adam: "Um...the kind you can put root beer on"
Me: "Oh, you're going to build me a fizzy boat"
Adam: "Yeah"
Me: "Yeah, I want a fizzy boat"
Adam: "OK, I'll build you a vizzy boat"

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